Saturday, December 3, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

            Harry Potter is the boy who lived from one of the deadliest curse in the world. The one who tried to kill him but failed is called Lord Voldemort. He didn’t just try to kill Harry who was still a baby, but he also killed both of his parents. Lord Voldemort was the most powerful wizard in his time. He killed lots of famous wizards and witches at that time, but he couldn’t kill Harry who was still a baby. That is why he is famous. But he’s not famous only because of that, he’s also famous because on the same night Lord Voldemort tried to kill him, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (Lord Voldemort) disappeared into thin air. Since then, Harry always found trouble with his friends at Hogwarts (School of Wizardry and Witch Craft) that always connects to Voldemort.

            In the sixth series of Harry Potter, he found out that Voldemort could never be killed if he and his friends doesn’t destroy all of Voldemort’s horcrux (a very dark magic) so in this series Harry had to move from Privet Drive (his aunt and uncle’s home) to The Burrow (the Weasley’s house) because he has come of age and he needs to attend Bill and Fleur’s wedding. His friends and the Order of the Phoenix helped him move because they all knew that there would be Death Eaters (Voldemort’s army) waiting for him. But they made it safely.

            The next day after he arrived at The Burrow, they all attended the wedding, but suddenly the Death Eaters disturbed them so they all ran for it. Harry, Ron, and Hermoine Dissaperated to a muggle (non magical folk) city. There, they met two Death Eaters that tried to capture them. But in the end, they won against the Death Eaters and went to Grimmauld Place (Harry’s godfather’s home).

 At Grimmauld Place, they made a plan to get into The Ministry of Magic because they found out that one of the horcruxes is there. Once their plan has finished, they went to The Ministry of Magic and they succeeded to get the horcrux. They then Dissaperated to the middle of a forest they once came to. There, they tried to find a way to destroy the horcrux. They always move places because they were scared that one of the Death Eaters might find them. So they kept on moving. One day, Harry and Ron had a fight so Ron left Harry and Hermoine together.

Weeks after the fight, Harry decided to go to Godric’s Hollow (where he was born). At Godric’s Hollow, he and Hermoine met Bathilda Bagshot (Dumbledore’s friend). They were invited by Bathilda to go to her house, but when they arrived at Bathilda’s house, they found out that she wasn’t really Bathilda. It was actually Voldemort’s snake, Nagini who disguised as Bathilda. They soon had a fight with Nagini. While they were fighting, Harry’s wand broke into two pieces. But soon he and Hermoine escaped.

The day after that, while Harry was securing the area, he saw a Patronus shaped as a female deer. He then followed the Patronus and ended being near a lake. The Patronus changed into a simple light and then disappeared under the frozen lake. Harry also went to the middle of the lake and looked into the lake. He saw the light disappearing and saw a sward. He straightaway recognized it. It’s the sword of Godric Griffyndor. He then took his clothes off and made a hole in the lake. He dived into the lake while shivering because it was winter. But when he was in the water, the horcrux around his neck pulled him up to the surface of the water. He struggled to let it go, but it was useless. Suddenly someone helped him and took the sword. When he took on his glasses, he saw a man. He was so surprised to know that, that man was actually Ron. He told Ron to destroy the horcrux around his neck using the sword. So then Ron did.

Early in the morning, Harry and Ron returned to the tent where Hermoine was at the moment. Hermoine asked where Harry has been because she was so worried, but then she saw Ron carrying his bag, the sword of Griffyndor, and the horcrux. Hermoine suddenly became angry to Ron because he had left her for weeks. So Ron and Hermoine hardly talked to each other for the whole day.

           The next day, Hermoine told Harry that she wanted to go to meet Xenophilius Lovegood to ask about a symbol that he was wearing at Bill and Fleur’s wedding. So then the next day, they went to Luna and her dad’s house. When they arrived there Mr. Lovegood let them in and poured them some tea. He looked as if he didn’t sleep for weeks as was very worried. So Harry, Ron, and Hermoine asked Mr. Lovegood about the sign that he was wearing around his neck and he told them. He told them that it’s a symbol for The Deathly Hallows. When they wanted to leave, some Death Eaters came and destroyed the house. They straightaway hold each other’s hand and Dissaperated.

 They arrived at the same forest where they once came to. That night, they talked about what they have heard from Mr. Lovegood, but while they were talking, Harry accidentally said the word “Voldemort” and a couple of Death Eaters came. The Death Eaters took them to the Malfoy’s place, where Voldemort was staying. Fortunately at that time Voldemort was going over seas. The Death Eaters kept them as their prisoner with Luna, Griphook, and Ollivander (wand maker). But then Dobby came to their rescue. All of them came out of the prison and fought with the Death Eaters there. Harry took some of their wand and Dissaperated with Dobby and the others, just in time before Voldemort gets back.

They Dissaperated to Bill’s house. Unfortunately, when they arrived there, Dobby was killed by Bellatrix’s sword. That night, the three of them talked to Griphook and Ollivander. They discussed about the Elder Wand (one of the Deathly Hallows) with him and asked Griphook if he would help them to get into one of the banks where Griphook used to work. He agreed. So they spend their time in a small room making a perfect plan to get into the bank for weeks.

The day finally came. They were going to rob the bank that day. So they went to Gringgots and stole the horcrux there. Harry, Ron, and Hermoine escaped, but Griphook didn’t. The next night, he realized that the second last horcrux was at Hogwarts, so they all straight away went to Hogsmeade. At Hogsmeade, they met Aberforth who helped them into the castle. They then found themselves in the room of requirements that has changed into a sleeping chamber for the children who were hiding from the Death Eaters at Hogwarts. They were all happy to see each other. Harry then went to look for the other horcrux using his invisibility cloak (also one of the Deathly Hallows). While he was looking for it with Luna, a Death Eater found them. And so the Death Eaters called Voldemort. Harry and Luna then told their teachers, so they went to evacuate the students who are still under age and let the students who where old enough to get ready for war.

Once Voldemort arrived with all the Death Eaters, the war started. At that time, Ron and Hermoine were looking for a Bassilisk’s fang to destroy the horcrux they found at the bank. When they found it, Hermoine straight away destroyed it. While everyone was fighting, Harry went to the Shrieking Shack where Voldemort was with Nagini, Snape, and some of the Death Eaters. After Voldemort talked to Snape, he killed him. Snape didn’t straight away die, but before he did, he told Harry to come out of his hiding place and take his memory. Harry did what Snape told him to do. He ran back to the Dumbledore’s office and took the pensive out of its place. He watched Snape’s memory and finally found the answers he was looking for. Harry just found out that he was also a horcrux. 

He then went back to Voldemort and let him kill him (Harry). After he thought he was dead, he saw Dumbledore near him. So then he talked to Dumbledore. He also asked him a few questions about Voldemort and him. Through Dumbledore, Harry knew that he was still alive. So he opened his eyes a bit and saw Voldemort on the floor. A few seconds later, Voldemort got up and asked one of the Death Eaters to check, if Harry was still alive or not. That woman felt his chest. She was checking whether Harry was still alive or not. She straightaway knew that he was still alive but she asked Harry something. She asked him whether her son was still alive at Hogwarts or not. And Harry replied “yes”. So, the Death Eater lied to Voldemort about Harry. She said that he is already dead but he wasn’t actually dead. Voldemort told Hagrid to carry Harry to Hogwarts to show everyone that Harry is already dead.

When they were all in front of Hogwarts, Voldemort told Hagrid to put Harry down. Voldemort then told everyone inside the castle that Harry was dead. Everyone at Hogwarts screamed his name. Some were even crying. Suddenly, an army of monsters came and attacked Voldemort and the Death Eaters. At that time Harry got to his foot and put his invisibility cloak on. He also gave Neville the sword of Griffyndor and told him to kill Voldemort’s snake, Nagini. Even though Neville didn’t know who told him to kill the snake, but he still did. Voldemort was furious and then he went into the big hall at Hogwarts with the Death Eaters where all the students were. So they fought again. Voldemort was fighting with Mrs. McGonagall, Kingsley, and Slughorn. And Bellatrix was fighting with Mrs. Weasley. A few seconds later, Bellatrix got hit with a curse. And then she died.

 At the exact moment, Voldemort was able to make his three opponents fall. But suddenly Harry showed up. He was ready to fight Voldemort. Suddenly the whole hall became quiet. It was as if Harry and Voldemort are the only living creatures there. Harry and Voldemort haven’t started to fight. Harry was still telling Voldemort why the Elder Wand won’t work well in his hand (Voldemort’s hand). At the end, Voldemort became so angry and tried to kill Harry with another curse. But at the same time Harry took out his wand and said a spell. Everyone else who was staring was so scared. They didn’t want Harry to lose. Suddenly there was a big explosion and Voldemort disappeared.

At once everyone there screamed and shouted at Harry. The first ones who reached Harry were Ron and Hermoine. They hugged each other and then went to the principal’s office. Harry was bringing two wands. The other wand is the Elder Wand. He wanted to return it to Dumbledore’s office. When they came to Dumbledore’s office, the principals before Dumbledore clapped their hands for Harry. But before he returned Dumbledore’s wand, he used it to repair his phoenix wand. He and his friends were surprised that it worked. The wand was back to normal and looked new. Everyone was so happy.


Pengalaman dalam melatih komunikasi Anak (Bagian 1)

Teman-teman yang saya cintai, khususnya bagi para orang tua maupun guru.
Salah satu keterampilan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh anak kita adalah keterampilan komunikasi. Otak mereka secara terus menerus membangun pemahaman menurut versi mereka sendiri. Ini berarti, mereka sudah tentu mempunyi banyak hal yang dapat dikemukakannya. Apakah kita sudah memberi kesempatan atau menciptakan kesempatan bagi mereka untuk mengkomunikasikan apa yang ada dalam pikirannya?

Terhadap anak saya yang bungsu, saya sering menggunakan kesempatan untuk memintanya bercerita apa yang dia senangi. Misalnya karena alasan tertentu saya terpaksa tidak bisa ikut menonton film di bioskop. Ayahnya lalu bilang ke si kecil, “later, tell Mummy the story. Kasian kan mummy tidak ikut nonton”. Nah dalam keadaan mood, dia akan bercerita banyak. Hal yang lucu bagi saya jika dia cerita beberapa istilah asing misal budaya kerajaan, dan mungkin dia membaca keraguan di wajah saya, maka dia pun bertanya “Do you understand what I meant? Do you understand [this word]?” Dia pun dengan telaten menjelaskannya.

Begitu juga, saat ini (di mana saya di Afsel sedang anak-anak bersama Ayahnya di Surabaya). Mungkin karena dia sibuk atau asyik dengan sesuatu sehingga saya sulit menemui dia lewat skype. Saya pun berpesan untuk disampaikan  ke si kecil bahwa Mummy ingin diajari permainan yang ada di facebook. Bagaimana cara menjalankannya. Dia pun segera datang dan dengan telaten menjelaskan prosedurnya secara rinci. Saya secara antusias menunjukkan ketertarikan saya pada cerita dia. Karena saya tidak banyak hal yang dia ceritakan, maka saya dengan mudah bertanya dan dia pun dengan mudah menjelaskannya. Akibatnya komunikasi terjadi secara alami. Artinya saya sebagai orang tua berhasil memancing atau memprovokasi pikirannya.

Ini salah satu teknik membelajarkan anak. Belajar tidak selalu harus duduk manis membaca buku. Peran kita adalah bagaimana mengajak dia berfikir, membantu mempertajam pikirannya, dan memprovokasinya dalam hal-hal yang baik.

Hal ini juga saya lakukan pada Kakaknya.
Saya sebagai orang yang cukup sibuk, saya tidak mungkin selalu duduk di samping anak-anak saya dan meminta mereka mengerjakan satu persatu. Mereka pun sering saya beritahu, bahwa saya mempunyai tanggung jawab banyak, bukan hanya pada mereka berdua, tetapi juga pada anak-anak lainnya, pada mahasiswa saya, pada banyak guru-guru di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, hal yang sering muncul di pikiran saya adalah bagaimana mendidik dia untuk mandiri, belajar sendiri, dan terlatih mengambil keputusan. Kadang-kadang kami orang tua sibuk belajar, demikian juga anak-anak kami. Mereka hanya datang bertanya saat kesulitan dan tentu kami melayaninya dengan sepenuh hati. Hal ini juga perlu dilakukan oleh orang tua yang tidak mempunyai banyak kesibukan di luar karena niat kita adalah melatih mereka mandiri.

Hal lain yang kami biasakan sejak kecil adalah kami minta mereka menulis hal apa yang mereka perlu kerjakan mulai pagi hingga malam hari. Rutinitas apa yang perlu mereka lakukan sebelum ke sekolah, sepulang dari sekolah, sebelum tidur dan seterusnya. Ini sudah kami latihkan sejak usia dini (saat itu usia sekitar 5 tahun). Mereka harus mengecek atau memonitor daftar kerjaan yang meraka tetapkan sendiri. Nah saya dan Ayahnya tinggal memberi pujian, bintang, poin, dst. Jika mereka berbuat hal yang mengecewakan, mereka pun perlu membuat daftar contoh-contoh perilaku yang baik dan yang tidak baik. Kami melatihkan mereka berefleksi terhadap apa yang dilakukannya. Berbagai cara pun kita gunakan karena kadang-kadang Cara 1 mungkin berhasil saat ini, bulan depan perlu Cara 2. Yah, kita terus bereksperimen dan mencermati hasil eksperimen kita.

Salah satu eksperimen yang kami orang tua lakukan beberapa bulan lalu adalah meminta anak merangkum hasil bacaanya. Saya tahu bahwa Fika sangat mendambakan buku Harry Potter, tetapi kami belum membelikannya karena mahal banget (sekitar dua ratus ribu rupiah). Maklum Ibu dan Ayahnya tidak terbiasa beli buku. Lalu kami setuju membelikan buku tersebut sebagai hadiah rangking 1. Buku ini sangat tebal bagi saya yaitu 999 halaman. Namun ayahnya bilang bahwa dia telah selesai membacanya hanya dalam waktu kurang dari 10 hari. Saya pun menggunakan momen ini untuk melatih komunikasi tertulis anak saya.

Saya bilang ke suami untuk mencari cara supaya Fika mau mengirim ringkasan cerita pada Ibunya di Afsel dengan catatan Fika tidak merasa terbebani. Apalagi saya sendiri, hingga S1, saya tidak pernah membuat rangkuman dari suatu buku cerita. Maklum waktu kecil juga tidak pernah punya buku cerita.

Walhasil, keesokan harinya, saya dikontak oleh ayahnya bahwa dia berhasil meminta Fika menulis apa yang saya maksud karena dia menjanjikannya untuk membelikan lagi buku cerita yang lain.

Kata suami tercinta, Fika pun dengan serius mengetik summary itu dalam bahasa Inggris, sedangkan buku Harry Potter yang dibacanya adalah buku bahasa Indonesia. Dia menulis tanpa melihat buku Harry Potter. Dia cuma bertanya ke ayahnya apa bahasa inggris dari rusa. Dia lupa katanya. Ini mengindikasikan bahwa dia ngerti jalan ceritanya.

Membaca rangkuman yang dia berikan, saya pun semakin percaya, bahwa otak anak menyimpan banyak pengetahuan yang orang tua sendiri juga belum tentu tahu. Artinya,mari kita belajarkan anak-anak kita dengan cara-cara yang mereka senangi. Bisa jadi, dalam hal tertentu kita sendiri tidak paham, tetapi kita punya teknik untuk membawa anak-anak kita memahami sesuatu yang bermanfaat dan menarik.

Hal yang juga membantu dalam membelajarkan anak saya adalah memanfaatkan internet. Wah ini ceritanya panjang. Sebagai orang tua, saya tidak perlu khawatir untuk menjadi fasilitator bagi anak saya karena adanya akses Internet. Akibatnya, dia pun banyak tahu hal-hal yang sama sekali saya tidak ketahui. Cerita rincinya akan saya tuliskan di kesempatan lain. Semoga catatan ini bermanfaat. Rangkuman Fika saya sajikan di posting lainnya